If you wish to use whimsyBirdy.com, then you are accepting the following terms of service. If you do not wish to accept the following terms of service, then you may not use whimsyBirdy.com.
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We may update the terms of service presented on this page from time to time. We encourage you to check this page before using our site to make sure you are comfortable with the terms of service presented. Your continued use of this site after any change to these terms of service will constitute your acceptance of the change.
Privacy Policy
whimsyBirdy.com does not collect any personal information about you as a visitor except for standard web server traffic logs or information you choose to submit via a form. Third party applications used by the website (such as Google Analytics), may collect personal information subject to the third party’s own privacy policy.
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This site earns income through affiliate relationships with some of the companies mentioned in our content. These are generally companies that we have used ourselves or companies that we have done extensive research on. We are very cautious about recommending a company, product, or service on our site.
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If you’d like to help us out and you see a product or service that you’re interested in, please consider using the affiliate link. Thank you so much!
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General Disclaimer
All content provided on this site is for informational purposes only. whimsyBirdy.com cannot make any guarantees as to accuracy, completeness, or relevance of any claims made on this site.
whimsyBirdy.com will not be held liable for any errors or omissions in this site’s content, or any losses, injuries, damages or misunderstandings arising from the publication or use of this site’s content.
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whimsyBirdy.com will not be held liable for any losses, injuries, or damages resulting from a malicious cyberattack upon our site or the vendors our site depends on to operate.
All information on this site is either an opinion or compiled summaries from other sources on the Internet. Any reliance on the material on this site is at your own risk. We encourage you to do extensive research on your own before making any decisions and to take responsibility for your own actions.
Questions on Terms of Service
If you have any questions or concerns on these terms of service, please send correspondence by regular mail to:
whimsyBirdy Terms of Service
PO Box 98
Corbettsville, NY 13749
Bird Photo by Łukasz Rawa